Product Information APIs

DEPRECATED: These APIs have been deprecated and are unsupported. Please refer to Get User Groups and Product Profiles instead.

Use the Product and Product Profile APIs to retrieve information about your organization’s products.

Product access for individual users is controlled through membership in user groups and product profiles. You cannot create these groups through the User Management API. Before you can manage product access for users, you must create and name user groups and product profiles using the Admin Console.

A product can have more than one profile associated with it, to allow different access privileges for different sets of users. For example, if your organization uses Adobe Document Cloud Pro, you could have one product profile that blocks access to related services and another that only allows access to E-sign services.

Query Products and Profiles

To get information about products and product profiles, use the following APIs:

Manage User Access to Products

Both individual users and user groups can be members of a product profile. An individual user can gain access to a particular product directly, or through user-group membership. Within a product profile, member users can be assigned an admin role.

To manage product access for individual users, use the Action API.

  • Use the add and remove actions on a user to control membership in a specified usergroup or productConfiguration
  • Use the addRole and removeRole actions on a user to control administrative rights in groups.

Manage Product Admin Rights

See Manage Entitlements