Deprecated APIs

The following APIs have been deprecated. These APIs will continue to function but could be removed at some point in the future. Their usage is strongly discouraged. Alternatives are noted below.

Deprecated Current
Get All Users through GET /v2/usermanagement/{orgId}/users See Get Users in Organization
Separate User Group APIs and Product Information APIs See Get Groups and Product Profiles
GET /v2/usermanagement/organizations/{orgId}/users/{userString} The adminRoles property is now deprecated, and administrative roles are reflected in group memberships, returned in the groups field.
GET /v2/usermanagement/users/{orgId}/{page} The adminRoles property is now deprecated, and administrative roles are reflected in group memberships, returned in the groups field.
GET /v2/usermanagement/users/{orgId}/{page}/{groupName} The adminRoles property is now deprecated, and administrative roles are reflected in group memberships, returned in the groups field.

Please note that some additional properties can appear in a response but should not be relied upon. Only rely on those properties that are documented in the Response Properties section for each API.