Product Access APIs
DEPRECATED: These APIs have been deprecated. Please use Get User Groups and Product Profiles.
Product information defined for your organization in the Admin Console is available through the {orgId}/products/ resource. You can list products and examine information for individual products.
- Get a paged list of products for your organization.
GET /v2/usermanagement/{orgId}/products/
Request headers
You must include these headers in all requests:
- Authorization : A current access token obtained from login request.
- x-api-key : The API key for your organization, obtained from the Developer Portal.
List Products
A GET request to the /{orgId}/products/ resource retrieves a paged list of Adobe products that your organization uses.
GET [UM_Server]/{orgId}/products[?page={n}]
- {orgId} : Required. The unique ID of your organization.
- page={n} : Optional, default is 0. A zero-based index for the start entry of a paged response.
A successful request returns a response with HTTP status 200. The response body contains the requested user data in JSON format:
"id": "XXXX-ABC123456789ABCD",
"code": "SUPPORT",
"name": "Support",
"userCount": 1,
"configurationCount": 2,
"licenseQuota": 10
"id": "YYYY-DEF123456789ABCDE",
"code": "APAP",
"name": "Adobe Document Cloud for business",
"userCount": 202,
"configurationCount": 1,
"licenseQuota": 20
"id": "ZZZZ-GHI123456789ABCDE",
"code": "CCSV",
"name": "All Apps plan",
"userCount": 226,
"configurationCount": 1,
"licenseQuota": 10
A failed request can result in a response with one of these HTTP status values, with an error message in the response body:
- 400 Bad Request : Some parameters of the request were not understood by the server.
- 401 Unauthorized : Invalid or expired token.
- 403 Forbidden : x-api-key header is missing.
- 404 Not Found : productId was not found.
Note that server errors can occur that require exponential back-off on retry.