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Table of contents
  1. Installation
    1. pip
    2. wheel
  2. Getting Started
  3. Overview

A Python client library for the User Management API from Adobe, aka the UMAPI.

The User Management API is an Adobe-hosted service which provides Adobe Enterprise customers the ability to manage users programatically. This library makes it easy to access the UMAPI from any Python application.

This project is open source, maintained by Adobe, and distributed under the terms of the OSI-approved MIT license. Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Adobe Inc.



The preferred way to install is directly from the Python Package Index.

$ pip install umapi-client


The library can alternatively be installed from a wheel file or .tar.gz available any release page.

$ pip install umapi_client-x.xx-py3-none-any.whl 

Getting Started

Before you can use the UMAPI client, you must set up a project in the Adobe Developer Console and add the User Management API. This creates an integration which contains credentials used to authenticate the client and authorize API calls.

The Developer Console documentation provides a detailed guide for setting up OAuth Server-to-Server credentials.

Note: JWT-based autentication is deprecated. New UMAPI integrations should use OAuth Server-to-Server. See here for a migration guide.


With the integration set up, the next step is to learn how to create a UMAPI connection and how to perform various API actions.

  1. Set up authentication

    Create an OAuthS2S object using the credentials set up in the Adobe Developer Console.

  2. Create connection

    Use the authentication object to establish a connection to the UMAPI.

  3. Query users and groups

    Retrieve users and groups from the UMAPI using the query interface.

  4. Manage users and groups

    Learn how to create actions to create new users, update users and remove them.

Next: Connection Setup