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V2 Usage Instructions

These instructions presume you have already created your Adobe.IO integration, as described in the home page of this documentation.

Getting a Connection

All UMAPI access is predicated on the creation of an authenticated, authorized connection to the UMAPI server. This access always happens in the context of a particular integration (as created on So it requires the following details about your integration:

  1. Organization ID
  2. Tech Account ID
  3. IMS Hostname
  4. IMS Token Exchange Endpoint (aka JWT Endpoint)
  5. API Key
  6. Client Secret
  7. Private Key File (unencrypted form)

Of these, the IMS Hostname and the IMS Token Exchange Endpoint are standard across almost all integrations, so they are built into the library as defaults and aren’t typically needed. The Tech Account ID, API Key, and Client Secret are sensitive, as is the Private Key File, so a best practice is to keep these values in files separate from your application. The Organization ID is not as sensitive, but it’s best to keep it with the others since it’s also needed for authentication.

For example, suppose config.yaml is a YAML file whose content contains the sensitive data (elided here for security):

org_id: '620049..............101@AdobeOrg'
tech_acct_id: ''
api_key: '265434.............d740ac'
client_secret: 'cc6.....-....-47b9-....-......ff3725'
private_key_file: '/path/to/my.secret.key.pem'

and suppose my.secret.key.pem contains an unencrypted private key like this (again, elided for security):


Given these two files, you can establish an authenticated, authorized connection with code such as the following:

import yaml # PyYAML from PyPI provides this module

with open(config_file_name, "r") as f:
    config = yaml.load(f)
conn = umapi_client.Connection(org_id=config["org_id"],

The constructor of the Connection object will do all the work of contacting the token exchange endpoint and using your credentials to obtain an access token, and it will remember that access token for use with all your UMAPI operations. It will be called conn in the examples that follow.

(If you want the details of how access token exchange is done by the constructor, see the code or the v1 usage docs.)

Querying for Users and Groups

Queries for users and groups are implemented by classes which allow iterating the results. These iterators pull the results from the server in batches of 200 or so, and cache the results locally. You can access the full list of results with the all_results method, and force the query to be reloaded and run from the beginning again with the reload method.

Each fetched user or group is represented as a Python dictionary of its attributes.

Get a List of Users

The following code enumerates the first 5 users, printing the email of each. This will only have fetched the first page of results. Then, after the loop, the all_results call will force the fetch of all remaining pages so the list of all results can be constructed. (Once the all_results call has been made, you cannot enumerate again without first calling reload.)

users = umapi_client.UsersQuery(conn)
# print first 5 users
for i, user in enumerate(users):
    if i == 5: break
    print("User %d email: %s" % (i, user["email"]))
# get a count of all users (finishes the iteration)
user_count = len(users.all_results())

You can also query for a particular user by email:

query = umapi_client.UserQuery(conn, "")
jruser = query.result()
if jruser:
    name = jruser["lastname"] + ", " + jruser["firstname"]

Get a List of Groups

This list of groups will contain both user groups and product license configuration groups.

groups = umapi_client.GroupsQuery(conn)
# print all the group details
for group in groups:
# after an hour, see if anything has changed
for group in groups:

Disabling SSL Verification

In environments where SSL inspection is enforced at the firewall, the UMAPI client can encounter the following error:

2017-07-07 09:01:37 4916 CRITICAL main - UMAPI connection to org id ‘someUUIDvalue@AdobeOrg’ failed: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]

This is because the requests module is not aware of the middle-man certificate required for SSL inspection. The recommended solution to this problem is to specify a path to the certificate bundle using the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable (see for details). However, in some cases following these steps does not solve the problem. The next logical step is to disable SSL inspection on the firewall for the UMAPI traffic. If, however, this is not permitted, you may work around the issue by disabling SSL verification for user-sync.

Disabling the verification is unsafe, and leaves the umapi client vulnerable to middle man attacks, so it is recommended to avoid disabling it if at all possible. The umapi client only ever targets two URLs - the usermanagement endpoint and the ims endpoint - both of which are secure Adobe URL’s. In addition, since this option is only recommended for use in a secure network environment, any potential risk is further mitigated.

To bypass the SSL verification, construct the Connection object using ssl_verify=False argument (set the True by default). Borrowing from the initial example,

conn = umapi_client.Connection(

During the calls, you will also see a warning from requests:

“InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host ‘’. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: InsecureRequestWarning”

Performing Operations on Users

User operations in the UMAPI are performed in three steps:

  1. You specify the user to be operated on.
  2. You specify the operations to be performed on the user.
  3. You submit the user and operations to the UMAPI server.

The combined specification of the user identity and the operations to be performed is called an action in the UMAPI documentation, while the individual operations are called commands. If you read the documentation carefully, you will see that there are limits to how many actions can be submitted to the UMAPI service in a single call, how many commands there can be in a single action, and how many calls can be submitted in a given period of time. However, the umapi_client implementation has been design to insulate your application from these limits by
packing as many commands as allowed into each action, batching up as many actions as possible into a call, and spacing calls out when required to by the server. Thus, from an application perspective, you can simply follow the three steps above for each user and not worry about the mechanics of server communication limits.

Step 1: Specify the User

To operate on a user, you first create a UserAction object that specifies the user’s identity type, domain, and unique ID in the domain.

In most cases, the user’s email ID will be his unique ID and will itself contain his domain, as in these examples:

from umapi_client import IdentityTypes
user0 = UserAction(id_type=IdentityTypes.federatedID, email="")
user1 = UserAction(id_type=IdentityTypes.adobeID, email="")
user2 = UserAction(id_type=IdentityTypes.enterpriseID, email="")

When Federated ID is being used, and a non-email username is being used to identify users across the SAML connection, both the username and the domain must be specified, as in these examples:

user3 = UserAction(id_type="federatedID",
                   username="user347", domain="")
user4 = UserAction(id_type="federatedID",
                   username="user348", domain="",

As these examples show, you can supply the id_type as a string, if desired.

Note that, as in the last example, it’s OK to specify the email when creating a Federated ID user object even if the email is not the unique ID or doesn’t use the same domain. If you later perform an operations on a user which requires the email (such as user creation on the Adobe side), the email will be remembered and supplied from the UserAction object.

Step 2: Specify the Operations

Once you have a UserAction object for a user, you can specify operations (called commands) to perform on that user. For example, to create a new user on the Adobe side, for the users that were specified in the last section, we could do:

user2.create(first_name="Geoffrey", last_name="Giraffe")
user3.create(email="", country="US")
user4.create(first_name="John", last_name="User", country="US")

When creating users, the email address is mandatory if not already specified when creating the user action. First and last name and country can be optionally specified ()except for Adobe ID users), and country must be specified for Federated ID users.

If a user has already been created, but you want to update attributes, you can use the update rather than the create command:

user2.update(first_name="Jeff", country="AU")

You can also specify to create if necessary, but update if already created:

from umapi_client import IfAlreadyExistsOptions
user4.create(first_name="John", last_name="User", country="US",

There are many other operations you can perform, such as adding and removing users from user groups and product configuration groups. Because each operation specifier returns the user, it’s easy to chain them together:

user2.add_to_groups(groups=["Photoshop", "Illustrator"]).remove_from_groups(groups=["CC All Apps"])

Removing users from Org can be done:

  • as a soft delete, with later reinstatement possibility
  • or hard delete, with loss of all cloud data (for managed accounts only)

The details of all the possible commands are specified in the code, and more user documentation will be forthcoming. In general, commands are performed in the order they are specified, except for certain special commands such as create which are always performed first regardless of when they were specified.

Step 3: Submit to the UMAPI server

Once you have specified all the desired operations on a given UserAction, you can submit it to the server as follows (recall that conn is an authorized connection to the UMAPI server, as created above):

result = conn.execute_single(user1)
result = conn.execute_multiple([user2, user3, user4])

By default, execute_single queues the action for sending to the server when a “full batch” (of 10) actions has been accumulated, but execute_multiple forces a batch to be sent (including any previously queued actions as well as the specified ones). You can override these defaults with the immediate argument, as in:

result = conn.execute_single(user1, immediate=True)
result = conn.execute_multiple([user2, user3, user4], immediate=False)

The result of either execute operation is a tuple of three numbers (queued, sent, succeeded) which tell you how many actions were queued, how many were sent, and how many of those sent succeeded without errors. So, for example, in the following code:

queued, _, _ = conn.execute_single(user1)
_, sent, succeeded = conn.execute_multiple(user2, user3, user4)

we would likely see queued = 1, sent = 4, and succeeded = 4.

If, for some reason, the succeeded number is not equal to the sent number for any call, it means that not all of the actions were executed successfully on the server-side: one or more of the commands failed to execute. In such cases, the server will have sent back error information which the umapi_client implementation records against the commands that failed, you can call the execution_errors method on the user actions to get a list of the failed commands and the server error information. For example, if only three of the four actions sent had succeeded, then we could execute this code:

actions = (user1, user2, user3, user4)
errors = [info for action in actions for info in action.execution_errors()]

Each entry in errors would then be a dictionary giving the command that failed, the target user it failed on, and server information about the reason for the failure.

Performing Operations on User Groups

User group operations work similarly to user operations. The UserGroupAction class has a similar interface to the UserAction class. Currently, the UserGroupAction interface supports the following operations:

  • create() - create a new user group
  • update() - update the name and/or description of an existing user group
  • delete() - delete a user group
  • add_users() - add users to a user group
  • remove_users() - remove users from a user group
  • add_to_products() - add one or more product profiles to a user group
  • remove_from_products() - remove one or more product profiles from a user group

Step 1: Specify the User Group

The group name is required to create new UserGroupAction object. For a new user group, this should be the name of the new group. To perform an operation on an existing group, specify the name of that group.

Group names:

  • Must be unique to the Adobe organization
  • May not start with an underscore (“_”) - groups with names that begin with an underscore are reserved for Adobe use
  • Must be no longer than 255 characters

Group name is the only required parameter. An optional requestID can be passed to make it easier to connect action requests with API responses.

from umapi_client import UserGroupAction
group = UserGroupAction(group_name="Employees")

Step 2: Specify the Operations

Create a New Group

User Groups are created with UserGroupAction.create(). Two optional parameters can be passed:

  • description - a short description of the group
  • option - an option specifying how to handle existing groups with the same name. Specify one of two IfAlreadyExistsOptions variants:
    • ignoreIfAlreadyExists - do not attempt to create the group if a group with the same name already exists. Other operations for the UserGroupAction object will be performed.
    • updateIfAlreadyExists - update the description if it is different than the description currently applied to the user group
    • Default: ignoreIfAlreadyExists


group = UserGroupAction(group_name="Employees")
group.create(description="A user group just for employees",

Update a Group

Updates are done using UserGroupAction.update(). Two optional parameters can be passed:

  • name - the new name of the user group
  • description - the new description of the user group

Both parameters default to None. If either parameter is omitted, that field will not be updated. If neither parameter is specified, update() will throw an ArgumentException.


group = UserGroupAction(group_name="Employees")
group.update(name="Employees and Contractors",
             description="Full-time Employees and Contractors")

Delete a Group

User groups can be deleted with UserGroupAction.delete(). The delete() method takes no parameters.

group = UserGroupAction(group_name="Employees and Contractors")

Manage Users in Group

The User Management API supports the bulk management of users for a specific group. This functionality is exposed in the UserGroupAction methods add_users() and remove_users().

A list of user IDs to add or remove must to provided to either method.

Add users example:

group = UserGroupAction(group_name="Employees and Contractors")
add_users = ["", ""]

Remove users example:

group = UserGroupAction(group_name="Employees and Contractors")
remove_users = ["", ""]

Manage Product Profiles for a Group

The UserGroupAction interface can also be used to manage the product profiles associated with a user group. Adding a product profile to a group will grant all members of that group access to the profile’s associated product plan.

The add_to_products() method adds one or more product profiles to a user group. remove_from_products() removes one or more profiles from a user group.

Both methods take two parameters. These are mutually exclusive - either method will throw an ArgumentError if both parameters are specified (also, if neither are specified).

  • products list of product profiles to add/remove
  • all_products boolean that will add/remove all product profiles to a user group

Add profile example:

group = UserGroupAction(group_name="Employees and Contractors")
profiles_to_add = ["Default All Apps plan - 100 GB configuration",
                   "Default Acrobat Pro DC configuration"]

Remove profile example:

group = UserGroupAction(group_name="Employees and Contractors")
profiles_to_remove = ["Default All Apps plan - 100 GB configuration",
                      "Default Acrobat Pro DC configuration"]

Step 3: Submit to the UMAPI server

UserGroupAction objects can be used with the same conn methods as UserAction objects. See “Step 3” in the User Management section of this document for more information.

Here is a complete example that creates a new user group and adds a list of users to it:

group = UserGroupAction(group_name="New User Group")
group.create(description="A new user group",
group.add_users(users=["", ""])

result = conn.execute_single(group)