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V1 Usage Instructions (updated for the v2 release)

The information below was originally written for version 1 of the client library. Since all of the version 1 functionality is now available (in a faster, easier-to-use form) from the v2 client library, it is recommend that new users start with v2. However, v1 users who have not yet upgraded their applications to the use the v2 classes can still access v1 classes in the v2 release by using the umapi_client.legacy package. The details are in the material below.

These instructions presume you have already created your Adobe.IO integration, as described in the main README for the package.

Step 1 - Create JSON Web Token

A JSON Web Token (JWT) is used to get an access token for using the API. The JWT object will build the JWT for use with the AccessRequest object.

from umapi_client.auth import JWT

jwt = JWT(
  org_id,     # Organization ID
  tech_acct,  # Technical Account ID
  ims_host,   # IMS Host
  api_key,    # API Key
  open(priv_key_filename, 'r')  # Private certificate is passed as a file-like object

Step 2 - Use AccessRequest to Obtain Access Token

The AccessRequest object uses the JWT to call an IMS endpoint to obtain an access token. This token is then used in all later UMAPI calls to authenticate and authorize the request.

from umapi_client.auth import AccessRequest

token = AccessRequest(
  "https://" + ims_host + ims_endpoint_jwt,   # Access Request Endpoint (IMS Host + JWT Endpoint)
  api_key,        # API Key
  client_secret,  # Client Secret
  jwt()           # JWT - note that the jwt object is callable - invoking it returns the JWT string expected by AccessRequest

The returned token is a Python callable whose return value is an encoded form of the token suitable for use to authenticate and authorize API calls. The lifetime of the token is typically 24 hours; its token.expiry attribute contains its expiration date as a datetime object.

NOTE: You should not generate a new token for each call. Instead, continue to use each generated token until it expires.

Step 3 - The Auth Object

Once you have an access token, you use it to create an Auth object. This Auth object is used to build the necessary authentication headers for making an API call.

from umapi_client.auth import Auth

auth = Auth(api_key, token())

Step 4 - The UMAPI object

Once the auth object is built, you use it to construct a UMAPI object. This UMAPI object can then be used over and over to make your desired API calls.

from umapi_client.legacy import UMAPI

api_endpoint = ''
api = UMAPI(api_endpoint, auth)

Querying for Users and Groups

These snippets presume you have constructed a UMAPI object named api as detailed in the last section. The query APIs return data in paginated form, each page containing up to 200 results. Additionally the umapi_client.legacy module has a paginate utility which can will concatenate and return the results from all pages.

Get a List of Users

users = api.users(org_id, page=0)           # optional arg page defaults to 0

from umapi_client.legacy import paginate
all_users = paginate(api.users, org_id)     # optional args for max_pages and max_records

Get a List of Groups

This list of groups will contain both user groups and product license configuration groups.

groups = api.groups(org_id, page=0)
all_groups = paginate(api.groups, org_id)

Performing Actions on Users

To operate on a user we need an Action object, which encode both the user and an action or group of actions to be performed on that user. These actions include, but are not limited to, creation of users, addition or removal of a user’s product entitlements, addition or removal of a user from a user group, updating user attributes, and user deletion.

To create the action object, we name the user we wish to operate on. (As above, api here in a UMAPI object.)

from umapi_client.legacy import Action

action = Action(user="")

We then record the actions we want to perform by calling the do method of the created action. For example, given the action created above, we could record that we want to create this user and add him to a user group named ‘group1’:{"email": ""})['group1'])

And then we execute all the recorded actions with a single call:

status = api.action(org_id, action)

NOTE: As you can see from the above, do is a side-effecting method, so it’s not necessary to use its return value. But in fact it returns the action, and it can take a sequence of keyword arguments, so both of the above operations could have been record in one call, in either of two ways:{"email": ""}).do(add=['group1'])
# or{"email": ""}, add=['group1'])

Perform Actions on Multiple Users

Multiple Action objects (each of which can perform multiple actions on a single user) can be wrapped in some type of collection or iterable (typically a list) and performed with a single call to UMAPI.action:

actions = [

status = api.action(org_id, actions)

Library API Documentation

Core Objects


Main User Management API interface class. Used to make calls to the API.

Requires endpoint URL and auth object.


api = UMAPI(
  auth=Auth( ... )

Any call made this this object can raise the UMAPIError and UMAPIRetryError. UMAPI.action can additionally raise UMAPIRequestError for responses containing an error result type, and ActionFormatError when an invalid action object is provided.


Get a list of users.

Requires the org_id. Takes page number as an optional parameter (default=0).


users = api.users(

The oject returned is the full API response object, which is a Python response object whose json method is a Python serialization of the JSON response dictionary. You will use the “users” key, which contains a list of dictionaries, each of which holds the attributes of one user in the Adobe user directory.

Example “users” llist containing one user:

    u'status': u'active',
    u'firstname': u'Example',
    u'lastname': u'User',
    u'groups': [u'Example Group'],
    u'country': u'US',
    u'type': u'enterpriseID',
    u'email': u''

The list returned by each page will contain up to 200 users. The response object also contains the lastPage property, which indicates if the end of the list has been reached. If the organization contains more than 200 users, then the lastPage property can be used to paginate through all user data (by using the page parameter to UMAPI.users). This is what is done for you by UMAPI.helper.paginate.


Get a list of permission/product entitlement groups.

Requires the org_id. Takes page number as an optional parameter (default=0).


groups = api.groups(

The oject returned is the full API response object. The main aspect is the “groups” key, which contains a list of all groups for the organization.

Example list of groups:

  u'memberCount': u'68',
  u'groupName': u'Administrators'
  u'memberCount': u'4',
  u'groupName': u'Group 2'

Like the users query, the response to a groups query is paginated.


Perform some kind of action - create users, add/remove groups, edit users, etc. UMAPI.action depends on the Action object, which is detailed in the Action section of this documentation.

Requires both the org_id and action parameters.


action = Action(user="").do(
  update={"firstname": "Example", "lastname": "User"}
result = api.action(

The result object returned is the complete result object returned by the User Management API. If the response contains a result type of “error”, then the action call will raise a UMAPIRequestError. Success and partial result types do not raise any exceptions.

The exact format of the result object is detailed in the UMAPI documentation.


The Action object models input to the UMAPI Management interface. More specifically, it models an element of the action array that serves as the top-level object to management calls.


  addAdobeID={"email": ""}

This Action object models the object needed to create an Adobe ID. It is converted internally to this JSON:

  "user": "",
  "do": [
      "addAdobeID": {
        "email": ""

The Action object constructoe always requires the unique user ID, but supports additional top-level ID properties such as requestID and domain. It reads these attributes from **kwargs so there are no restrictions on which of these attributes can be provided.

Example Python:

Action(user="user", requestID="abc123", domain="").do(
  createEnterpriseID={"email": ""}

Equivalent JSON:

  "user": "user",
  "requestID": "abc123",
  "domain": "",
  "do": [
      "addAdobeID": {
        "createEnterpriseID": ""

The Action object has one method - do. This is used to define a list of actions to perform on the user for the call.

Like the object constructor, do() gets its parameters from **kwargs. However, there are no required attributes.

The name of each do() argument should correspond to a key of the “do” container. Those keys include “addAdobeID”, “createEnterpriseID”, “add”, “remove”, etc. Refer to the UMAPI reference for more details.

do() parameter values should be objects (strings, dicts, lists, etc) structured in the way expected by the API.


Action(user="user", domain="").do(
  createEnterpriseID={"email": "", "firstname": "Example", "lastname": "User"}

In the above example, the “createEnterpriseID” portion of the JSON would render like this:

"createEnterpriseID": {"email": "", "firstname": "Example", "lastname": "User"}

The exact structure of the createEnterpriseID parameter object is preserved.

There is one important exception - when using the “add” or “remove” actions, which add/remove groups to/from the user account, do() will add the “product” wrapper.


action = Action(user="").do(

Note that a list is being passed to the “add” parameter (instead of {"product": ["product1"]}).

The “add” portion of the JSON looks like this:

"add": {"product": ["product1"]}


The submodule umapi_client.auth contains the components needed to build the authentication headers needed for API communication.


The JWT object builds the JSON Web Token needed to obtain an access token, which is the security token needed for API call headers.

Parameter Type Required? Notes
org_id str Y Organization ID (found on integration page)
tech_acct str Y Technical Account ID (found on integration page)
ims_host str Y IMS Host - hostname of IMS endpoint (found on integration page)
api_key str Y API Key (found on integration page)
key_file file-like Y File-like object that provides the private key (generated on server)

The JWT object is callable. Calling it returns the encoded JWT.


from umapi_client.auth import JWT

jwt = JWT(
  org_id,     # Organization ID
  tech_acct,  # Technical Account ID
  ims_host,   # IMS Host
  api_key,    # API Key
  open(priv_key_filename, 'r')  # Private certificate is passed as a file-like object

encoded_jwt = jwt()


The AccessRequest object uses the JWT to make a request to IMS to retrieve an access token.

Parameter Type Required? Notes
endpoint str Y Full IMS Endpoint URL
api_key str Y API Key (found on integration page)
client secret str Y Client Secret (found on integration page)
jwt_token str Y Encoded JWT String (generated from JWT object)

Like the JWT object, the AccessRequest object is callable. Calling it returns the encoded access token string needed by the Auth object.

Basic Usage Example:

from umapi_client.auth import AccessRequest

ims_host = ''     # US production host, usable from everywhere
ims_endpoint_jwt = '/ims/exchange/jwt'  # path for all environments

token = AccessRequest(
  "https://" + ims_host + ims_endpoint_jwt,   # Access Request Endpoint (IMS Host + JWT Endpoint)
  api_key,        # API Key
  client_secret,  # Client Secret
  jwt()           # JWT - note that the jwt object is callable - invoking it returns the JWT string expected by AccessRequest

token_str = token()

The AccessRequest object also has the propery expiry, which is a datetime object representing the date and time the access token expires. It can be used with persistent token store systems to reduce the number of times a new token is required.

NOTE: The expiry attribute is not populated until the token is encoded (i.e. the token object is called).


The Auth object is used by the UMAPI object to build security headers for API calls. It is a subclass of the requests auth.AuthBase class.

Parameter Type Required? Notes
api_key str Y API Key (found on integration page)
access_token str Y Access Token String (generated from AccessRequest object)


from umapi_client.auth import Auth

token = AccessRequest( ... )
auth = Auth(api_key, token())

Exception Classes

The umapi_client.legacy submodule contains all custom Exceptions for the UMAPI library.


Generic Error object that is raised when API returns non-retry or success HTTP status code (i.e. 200, 429, 502, 503, 504).


Error raised when a retry HTTP status code (429, 502, 503, 504).

See the official documentation for more information about handling this type of error.


Error raised when an error status is reported from the API. The API will return a 200 status code, but the JSON “result” status will be “error”.

This currently only occurs when calling UMAPI.action().


Raised from UMAPI.action() when unexpected input is received from the action parameter.