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Syncing Users From Okta

Table of contents
  1. Overview
  2. Initial Setup
  3. Authentication
    1. host
    2. api_token
  4. User Filter Options
    1. group_filter_format
    2. all_users_filter
  5. General Options
    1. user_identity_type
    2. string_encoding
  6. Attribute Mapping Options
  7. Runtime
  8. Extension Support


The Okta connector uses an Okta tenant as a source for user identity and group membership. Since Okta always uses email addresses as the unique ID for users, the Okta connector does not support username-based federation.

Okta customers must obtain an API token for use with the Okta Users API. See Okta’s Developer Documentation for more information.

Initial Setup

Okta support is facilitated by the Okta connector. The Okta connector requires its own config file (connector-okta.yml). This config file must be referenced in user-sync-config.yml to enable the connector.

First, obtain a config file template. Copy it to your User Sync Tool directory.

Then, add the config to user-sync-config.yml under directory_users.connectors:

    okta: connector-okta.yml

See below to learn how to invoke the User Sync Tool with the Okta connector.


The Okta connector uses the Okta API to retrieve user and group information. In order to use the connector, an API connection must be defined.

The connector currently only supports Okta’s legacy API key for authentication. Refer to their documentation for information about creating a token. OAuth is not supported at this time.

To set up authentication, configure the host and api_token options.


The host option should be set to the hostname of the Okta instance. Just the hostname (sans https://) is needed.



api_token is used to configure the token for accessing the Okta API. Refer to Okta’s documentation for information on creating the token.

The token can be specified in plaintext in the config file. If you do this, you are responsible for keeping the file and server environment secure.

api_token: "okta_api_token"

The recommended way to store the token is to save it to the OS keyring and reference the key in the config file using the secure_api_token_key option.

secure_api_token_key: "UST Okta Token"

See Security Recommendations for more information.

User Filter Options

These options are used to filter users and groups. Their defaults are generally sufficient for most use cases but can be customized if needed.


The group_filter_format option specifies a template string used when querying users for a group.

By default it is set to {group}. The name of a given group is inserted in between the curly braces.


all_users_filter controls which users are considered in-scope for sync from the Okta connector. It should be set to a Python statement that returns True or False. Users where the filter evaluates True are included in sync. Users where it evaluates False are filtered out.

Any user attribute returned from Okta’s “List Group Members” call can be used in the filter See their API docs for more info.

General Options


The user_identity_type option can be used to override the identity_type setting in user-sync-config.yml. This can be useful if the same root configuration file is used with different identity connectors. If this option isn’t set then the identity type for user sync will be governed by the top-level identity_type setting.

Note: This setting can be overridden by user_identity_type_format.


The string_encoding option defines the character encoding used when formatting Okta values.

Default is utf8.

Attribute Mapping Options

This group of options govern how attributes are mapped. These generally don’t need to be customized for the Okta, but can be in case customization is needed.

These options are named identically to the attribute mapping options in the LDAP config and behave similarly.

See the LDAP config page for more information.


In order to use the Okta connector, you will need to specify the --connector okta command-line parameter. (LDAP is the default connector.) In addition because the Okta connector does not support fetching all users, you must additionally specify a --users command line option of group or mapped. All other User Sync command-line parameters have their usual meaning.

Extension Support

Okta sync can use extended groups, attributes and after-mapping hooks. The names of extended attributes must be valid Okta profile fields.

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