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Connecting To Adobe

Table of contents
  1. Configuring a UMAPI Connection
  2. General Settings
    1. authentication_method
    2. ssl_verify
  3. server Settings
  4. enterprise Settings
    1. oauth Authentication
    2. jwt Authentication (deprecated)
      1. Private Key Settings
  5. Migrating From JWT to Server-to-Server
  6. Credential Security

Configuring a UMAPI Connection

All UMAPI sync setups require at least one UMAPI connector configuration. This primary connection config should be called connector-umapi.yml.

This section focuses on a single connection. See the advanced config section for details around synchronizing to multiple UMAPI targets.

Before configuring any UMAPI connections, you must set up an integration for each target. See the Setup and Installation page for more information.

connector-umapi.yml defines three top-level config keys.

  • authentication_method - Tells the UMAPI connector to use Server-to-Server authentication or deprecated JWT authentication
  • server - Override default identity and UMAPI endpoints (generally not needed) and customize connection timeout and retry settings
  • enterprise - Define UMAPI credentials (either in-line plaintext or references to OS keyring objects)

General Settings


authentication_method governs the type of authentication to use when communicating with the UMAPI. Two options are supported.

  • oauth (recommended) - Use OAuth Server-to-Server authentication. This is simple to set up and unlike JWT does not require a certificate pair. See Setup and Installation for more info.
  • jwt - This is the default for compatibility reasons, but should generally not be used because JWT authentication is deprecated.


The ssl_verify setting should be used as a last resort to make the User Sync Tool work in environments where it can’t connect to Adobe services. Specifically, it can be used in cases where the UST reports SSL errors like this when running.

UMAPI connection to org id failed: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]

Please note this option isn’t recommended and should only be used when other options have been exhausted.

server Settings

The server settings do not generally need to be customized. timeout and retry settings can be customized if the Sync Tool is running on a high-latency network connection.

Note: The options ims_host and ims_endpoint_jwt are deprecated in favor of the options auth_host and auth_endpoint. These options serve the same purpose as their deprecated counterparts.

enterprise Settings

The enterprise key defines credentials used to authenticate with the User Management API. The set of fields required to configure the connection vary depending on authentication_method.

oauth Authentication

oauth Server-to-Server authentication requires the following fields to be configured under the enterprise key. These items can be found on the credentials page of your UMAPI project in the Developer Console.

  • org_id - Organization ID
  • client_id - Unique client identifier
  • client_secret - Secret token used to authenticate with the User Management API


authentication_method: oauth

  org_id: "12345@AdobeOrg"
  client_id: "12345-abc-9876"
  client_secret: "9876-xyz-12345"

These fields can be stored in plaintext inside the config file, but if you do that be sure to keep the file secure. Client ID and Client Secret are considered sensitive. It is also possible to store these items securely. See Credential Security for more information.

jwt Authentication (deprecated)

WARNING: JWT authentication is deprecated and support is set to be dropped at the end of 2024. Please plan accordingly and migrate any existing JWT integrations to Server-to-Server.

The following fields are required.

  • org_id - Organization ID
  • client_id - Client ID (API Key)
  • client_secret - Secret token for API client
  • tech_acct_id - Username of the technical account associated with the integration
  • priv_key_path - Path to the private key associated with the public key that was provided to the developer console when setting up the integration

All items except for the key file (private.key) can be found on the Adobe Developer Console. The private.key file should already be present on the server that will be running the User Sync Tool. It is the private key associated with the pulic key that was used to create the UMAPI integration.

These can be stored in plaintext inside the config file:

authentication_method: jwt

  org_id: "Organization ID goes here"
  client_id: "Client ID goes here"
  client_secret: "Client Secret goes here"
  tech_acct_id: "Tech Account ID goes here"
  priv_key_path: "private.key"

Replace each “goes here” string (including the double quotes) with the item copied from the console. If private.key is placed in the same directory as connector-umapi.yml, then priv_key_path can be relative.

If storing sensitive items (client ID, client secret and private key) in plaintext, be sure to set file permissions and/or ACLs to limit access to these files. It is also possible to store these items securely. See Credential Security for more information.

Private Key Settings

The private key file can optionally be stored differently than a plain file referenced by priv_key_path.

  • The key’s contents can be stored inside the config file using the priv_key_data option. Note that this must be the raw, unencrypted contents of private.key.

    priv_key_data: |
       -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
       -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  • The private key file can also be symmetrically encrypted. This type of encryption uses a passphrase to secure secure the file. The passphrase can be specified in priv_key_pass. If the passphrase option is set, then priv_key_path should contain the path to the encrypted key file.

    To encrypt the private key file, use the encrypt command:

    $ ./user-sync encrypt

    If invoked with no additional options, encrypt will prompt you for a passphrase and then encrypt private.key, replacing the plaintext file with the encrypted version.

    See here for full details.

Migrating From JWT to Server-to-Server

Migrating from JWT to Server-to-Server is a simple process. Use this guide if you already use the User Sync Tool and wish to migrated from JWT to Server-to-Server.

This guide applies to a single UMAPI integration / Admin Console target. If your sync is configured to manage multiple targets, then repeat this process for every UMAPI target.

  1. Open the project in the Developer Console associated with your UMAPI integration. If you open the credential page, you will be prompted to begin the credential migration process. Refer to this document for a step-by-step guide for migrating. Return to this guide when the migration guide advises you to test your application.
  2. Make note of the new credentials page. Your UMAPI connector config file will already contain the credentials you need - org_id, client_id and client_secret.
  3. Edit your UMAPI config file (i.e. connector-umapi.yml) with the these changes
    • Add top-level authentication_method key (if one doesn’t exist) and set the value to oauth
    • Under enterprise, remove tech_acct_id and priv_key_path items
    • If you are using credential storage, then instead remove config related to the private key - key contents, encrypted file passphrase etc (in addition to tech acct ID).
    • Your config should look something like this:
     authentication_method: oauth
       org_id: "Org ID goes here"
       client_id: "Client ID goes here"
       client_secret: "Client secret goes here"
  4. Run UST in test mode. You should get no errors regarding UMAPI connectivity.
  5. If everything looks good, then complete the migration as per the migration guide. Your old JWT credentials will be deleted.
  6. Delete your private key and remove anything in credential storage related to it.

Credential Security

The client_id, client_secret and the contents of private.key are considered sensitive and should be secured accordingly. If you intend to keep these items in plaintext, it is your responsibility to restrict access to connector-umapi.yml and private.key using any necessary practices (ACLs, file permissons, etc).

Any sensitive credential can be stored in a secure OS keychain (such as Windows Credential Manager). Each credential is identified by key name and account ID (which is the org_id for UMAPI credentials). In connector-umapi.yml, the key name is stored in the respective config option.

  • secure_client_id_key - Key name of client_id
  • secure_client_secret_key - Key name of client_secret
  • secure_priv_key_data - Key name of priv_key_data*
  • secure_priv_key_pass_key - Key name of priv_key_pass

* Some keyring backends such as Windows Credential Manager impose a character limit on the password field. This makes it impossible to store the private key contents. We recommend instead to encrypt the key file and securely store the private key passphrase.

We strongly recommend securing your credentials in this manner. See Security Recommendations for more information.

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