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Set up Scheduled Ongoing Execution of User Sync

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Setting Up Scheduled Run on Windows

First, create a batch file with the invocation of user-sync piped to a scan to pull out relevant log entries for a summary. Create the file run_sync.bat for this with contents like:

cd user-sync-directory
user_sync.exe --users file example.users-file.csv --process-groups | findstr /I "==== ----- WARNING ERROR CRITICAL Number" > temp.file.txt
rem email the contents of temp.file.txt to the user sync administration
your-mail-tool –send file temp.file.txt

There is no standard email command-line tool in Windows, but several are available commercially. You need to fill in your specific command line options.

This code uses the Windows task scheduler to run the User Sync tool every day starting at 4:00 PM:

C:\> schtasks /create /tn "Adobe User Sync" /tr path_to_bat_file/run_sync.bat /sc DAILY /st 16:00

Check the documentation on the windows task scheduler (help schtasks) for more details.

Note that often when setting up scheduled tasks, commands that work from the command line do not work in the scheduled task because the current directory or user id is different. It is a good idea to run one of the test mode commands (described in the “Make a Test Run” section) the first time you try the scheduled task.

When scheduling your task please limit your sync to once a day and consider a time that works best for you, taking into consideration other timezones and clients.

Setting Up Scheduled Run on Unix-Based Systems

First, create a shell script with the invocation of user-sync piped to a scan to pull out relevant log entries for a summary. Create the file for this with contents like:

cd user-sync-directory
./user-sync --users file example.users-file.csv --process-groups |  grep "CRITICAL\\|WARNING\\|ERROR\\|=====\\|-----\\|number of\\|Number of" | mail -s “Adobe User Sync Report for `date +%F-%a`”

You need to fill in your specific User Sync command line options and the email address to which the report should be sent.

This entry in the Unix crontab will run the User Sync tool at 1 AM each day:

0 1 * * *  path_to_Sync_shell_command/ 

Cron can also be setup to email results to a specified user or mailing list. Check the documentation on cron for your Unix system for more details.

Note that often when setting up scheduled tasks, commands that work from the command line do not work in the scheduled task because the current directory or user id is different. It is a good idea to run one of the test mode commands (described in the “Make a Test Run” section) the first time you try the scheduled task.

When scheduling your cron job please limit your sync to once a day and consider a time that works best for you, taking into consideration other timezones and clients.

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