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Installation Procedure

  1. Create a directory where the sync tool will run
    • Windows example: C:\adobe_user_sync
    • Linux example: ~/adobe_user_sync
  2. Get the latest release
    • Binary downloads are found in the “Assets” box immediately below the release notes
    • Be sure to select the correct release for your platform - the naming convention is user-sync-[VERSION][EDITION]-[PLATFORM]. Windows releases are packaged in .zip format and Linux releases are packaged in .tar.gz format.
    • NOTE: Releases tagged with the -noext edition tag ship with extension support disabled. Do not install this variant unless that restriction is desired.
  3. Extract the UST archive to the directory created in step 1.
    • Windows filename: user-sync.exe
    • Linux filename: user-sync
  4. Generate the example configuration files
    • From the command line, run the command ./user-sync example-config in the sync tool directory created in step 1
    • The tool will prompt you to specify the filename of each file. Press Enter for each to accept the default filenames.
    • For additional example configuration files and CSV templates, download or examples.tar.gz from the release asset list (see step 2)
  5. Refer to the User Manual for full User Sync Tool documentation.

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